Ron Paul Republicans take over Nevada GOP

Although it is now clear to everyone that the Republican establishment was never going to allow Ron Paul anywhere near the nomination, the more important thing is that the Liberty movement that he helped spark all across this land continues to take off.  The ideas that define this movement; such as an end to crony capitalism, an awareness of the dangers and theft of the Federal Reserve, less centralization, an end to unnecessary wars and most importantly a defense at all costs of the Bill of Rights are all popular ideas and will only become more so in the years ahead.  The Republican Party as it stands today is a dinosaur waiting to go extinct, just like the Democratic Party, which pretty much no one even knows what the heck it even pretends to stand for anymore.  Romney is an empty suit, just like his bankster puppet buddy Obama.  The American people are becoming more aware of the sham two-party system every single day and we should all be celebrating this fact.

This article below from RT really shows how far all of us in the Liberty movement have come.  Interesting things are happening in Nevada and Washington state…and indeed all over the country as brushfires are set in the minds of men and women from coast to coast.

Key Quotes:
In Nevada, Paul’s support has taken over the local GOP with such strength that almost all Romney supporters working for the state Republican Party office have resigned. On May 15, Paul supporters in the state’s biggest district, Clark County, passed a resolution that led to RNC chairman Reince Priebus stepping down and with it ended RNC support of the state office. Since the vote, other Romney backers have walked away and Team Nevada, as they call themselves, is now almost entirely staffed by Paul supporters.

During the state convention, Paul’s delegates secured 22 of the 28 spots set aside for the RNC in Tampa. Across the country, though, the establishment is threatening to step in to ensure that the Paul campaign cannot stage a coup, even a legal one. Earlier this month, GOP National Chairman Michael McDonald told NPR, “The State Party had lost focus and suffered from a distinct lack of execution for some time now.”

On Friday, Republicans in the state of Washington will decide on delegates to send to the RNC in Tampa, and the Seattle Times reports that very morning that support for the Texas congressman continues to raise problems for the Romney campaign.

“[T]ake a look around,” Matt Dublin, a Paul organizer, told an audience in Tacoma during Friday morning’s convention. Pointing out his fellow supporters of Rep. Paul, Dublin said, “They are the future of our party and they are not going to go away.”

Full article here.

18 Veterans Commit Suicide Every Day

While this statistic isn’t new, it is one that should be at the forefront of each and every American’s mind.  Politicians of both fake political parties have no qualms at all about playing war with what I refer to as OPCs (Other People’s Children).  As a requirement for service in Congress each and every one of our “representatives” should volunteer their children for active duty in the armed forces and to be amongst the first to be sent overseas for any conflict.  If this sort of a rule was in place do you really think we would be so flippant about waging war all the time?  Just something to think about…

Here is an article on the suicides and then below a brief but powerful video made by Iraqi war vet Adam Kokesh.

Marine Officer of 27 Years Blasts Two Party System

Quick but powerful video here.  Major Christopher Miller who served his country bravely for 27 years as a marine stands up at the Missouri GOP Congressional District Convention to attack the red team/blue team farce that is America’s political system today and voices his support for Ron Paul.  He also blasts the pointless wars, no doubt as he has sadly discovered that he has been used merely to protect commercial interests and an immoral monetary system that is on the verge of imploding anyway.  I feel lucky that we have such admirable and brave men in our armed forces.  They took an oath to defend the Constitution and I have no doubt they intend to follow through on it.